The Advantages of Smart/Programmable Thermostat Installation
Are you needing cost-effective methods to improve home comfort and overall efficiency? Upgrading to a programmable thermostat could be an ideal solution. A smart thermostat can streamline your daily comfort needs and save you money. If you’re still on the fence, here are more advantages of managing your home comfort system with programmable thermostat installation and top tips for seeing the best results.
Comfort and Convenience
Thermostats with programmable settings are designed for simplicity. Once it’s set up, you’ll no longer need to update your thermostat settings several times a day. Alternatively, you can set it and forget it. Any kind of setback periods you program are evened out with a recovery period, which means your home then warms up or cools down again soon before you get home or wake up without additional effort on your part.
Energy Efficiency Savings
Another convincing reason to install a programmable thermostat is the capability to save energy and money. For even higher savings, set your desired temperature for different periods or days of the week. Remember to include 8- to 10-degree setback periods overnight or while away from home for saving 10% on heating and cooling expenses.
Less Risk of Wear and Tear
Climate control for a home you’re not even inside doesn’t just mean wasting energy, it also overstresses your HVAC equipment. Temperature setbacks help provide your heating and cooling some downtime, helping to extend the system’s life span. In addition, with fewer on/off cycles caused by smaller temperature adjustments too many times during the day, you reduce system wear and tear, which also means less downtime and a smaller need for repairs.
Lockable Settings
Smart and programmable thermostats also come with lockable interfaces that limit any unwanted changes to your HVAC settings, which is useful for large households with different temperature preferences. This feature ensures your energy-saving settings are never tampered with, keeping your settings as they are and your home efficient and cozy.
Industry-Leading Reliability
Fine-tuned temperature control means a home remains at your perfect idea of comfort for summer and winter alike. With your desired temperatures programmed at the appropriate times every day, you never have to remember to move to other settings before you go to work or to bed. You can depend on the thermostat to follow your schedule accurately, with an exact digital display reading that eliminates the guesswork that comes with older analog models. Our programmable thermostats are even designed with a battery backup for power outages and are more error-resistant than manual options.
More Smart Features
The smartest programmable thermostats have Wi-Fi features like remote access. Such smart thermostats enable you to manage your heating and cooling settings from wherever you are with help from a mobile app. And by using a home automation platform like Amazon Alexa or Google Nest, you can even adjust settings with your voice.
The smartest of the smart thermostats have the ability to learn your preferences too, which means they understand your habits and adjust settings automatically over time for optimal efficiency and comfort. You can also look up energy usage reports to help you learn more about how you use energy and find ways to secure more savings.
How to Set Up Your Smart or Programmable Thermostat:
Use these practical tips to enjoy even more of the benefits of your programmable thermostat:
- Create your ideal programming schedule: When shopping for thermostats, you might notice they have several scheduling options. These scheduling settings often include 5+2 programming with a steady weekday schedule and a single setting for the weekend. Opt for the option that is most appropriate for your lifestyle.
- Schedule multiple settings at once: All the best programmable thermostats offer about four time periods you can schedule each day—Wake, Day, Evening and Sleep. Figure out the time and temperature you wish for each or restrict those you don’t require.
- Minimize overriding the settings: Although it’s convenient to override the current temperature when it’s uncomfortable, too many changes will go against your energy-saving efforts. Think about changing clothes or adjusting the room’s airflow before you change the thermostat.
- Implement the “permanent” hold appropriately: Typically, overriding the settings means the thermostat defaults to its normal schedule as soon as the next preprogrammed time arrives. That being said, if you’re planning on being out of the house for a few days, now’s the time to use the permanent hold to save energy by keeping your home at a more energy-efficient but less cozy temperature for the length of your trip.
Enhance Your Sense of Comfort with Programmable Thermostats
Whenever you’re ready to make the switch to a programmable or smart thermostat, Service Experts Heating, Air Conditioning & Plumbing would be happy to help you with your upgrade. Any of our experienced professionals can install the device and show you how to use it. With our 100% satisfaction guarantee, you can count on us for the standard of customer service that goes beyond your expectations. When you’re ready to feel modern standards of comfort that a programmable thermostat can make, contact us to learn about installing one.